# This file may only be altered for translation into other languages.
# If you do so please send me a copy.
# REMEMBER: If you change any messages, don't change ANYTHING to
# the left of the colon. The program may fail to work correctly if you do!!
# You may change the value of mem but if you give the program to anyone
# then please put it back.
# mem: is the amount of memory allocated to a scan for each directory
# level. This is allocated dynamicly so if you have a small machine
# you could decrease it, the lowest is 50.
# Best (ie the default) seems to be about 800
# Error messages
ER00:%0 (Internal code %1)
ER01:Unable to claim sufficiant memory to %0
ER02:Due to an '%0' error I am unable to %1
ER03:The menu item '%0' is too long! Must exit imeditaly!!
ER04:I don't seem to be able to find the file '%0', so I can't load it!
ER05:The Risc Tracker support module appears to have gone walkies from RMA and I can't find it in '<RTrack$Dir>.Resources'. I must quit immediatly!
ER06:You must enter a file name!
ER07:To save, either enter a valid path, or drag icon to a directory viewer.
ER08:I can't load '%0' because %1
ER09:I can't create the tracklist window due to lack of memory.
ER10:The playmodule for the current track appears to have disappeard from RMA. I must stop playback!
ER11:Due to an unforseen error I am unable to load the '%0' module to play that tune.
ER12:You can only have 4000 chars in your program, this is about 1000 tracks!
ER13:You must enter a program before I can build one.
ER14:I can't add track number '%0' because it doesn't exist.
ER15:Insufficiant memory to build your program.
ER16:Due to factors beyond my control the song has become corrupt in memory, I have stopped playback to prevent possible errors.
ER17:This copy of Risc Tracker has become corrupt, I can not provide the quick CD player feature.
ER18:An error occured while trying to play this track, this could be due to the fact that dynamic areas are being used, should I try RMA?
ER19:An error occured while trying to play that CD audio track.
ER20:Insufficiant memory to build the list of CD tracks.
ER21:That CD track contains computer data, it is not an audio track so I can't play it.
# Substitution and other misc strings...
nohelp:I am unable to find ‘StrongHlp’ so F1 help is not available, [8-(
ibmenu:build the iconbar menu.
trmenu:build the tracks menu.
loadtune:load the tune '%0'.
query?:Query from Risc Tracker
error?:Error from Risc Tracker
message?:Message from Risc Tracker
saveopts:save the options.
loadopts:load the options. If it exists delete the file '<RTrack$Options>.RTrkOpt'
none:No tune playing
na:Not available for this format
nat:Not available for this tune
scandisc:scan '%0'.
scanall:scan any further than '%0'.
loadlist:load that playlist.
loadpdt:load that PDTracker setup file.
cantfind:it doesn't exist! (or it's a directory)
toosmall:the file is zero bytes long, re-build the program!
savelist:save that playlist.
notimp:Sorry, that function is not available yet!
getsp:allocate memory from the sprite area, I am reverting to RMA use.
mtrx:That file is not recognised by the Matrix module, I can not play it.
scream:Due to the format I must convert '%0' before I can play it. This may take a while.
conv:Converting ScreamTracker file...
converror:There was an error while converting that ScreamTracker file (%0), so I am unable to play it!
notscream:That is not a scream tracker file, or the file is corrupt.
bombedout:The conversion program quit without sucesfully converting the ScreamTracker file.
waiting:Waiting for CD...
reading:Reading CD...
doesntwork:The programming function has not been implemented for CDs yet.
cdview:Look at the nice pretty reflective side! ;-)
cdplaylist:The current CD is '%0', This is a CD rom that contains some music files. I will now load the playlist for the files on the CD.
nudge:On some systems track one won't play because the CD Rom tries to play the data at the start of the track. If this happens enable nudging and enter an appropriate value, 150 seems about right, but it's just trial and error I'm afaid. :-(
sample:display the samples window.
# Menus....
# mm00:Title
# mmxx:item xx
# Icon bar menu...
# NB: This bears no relation to the layout of the menu!
# Main menu
MM02:Tracklist ^L
MM03:VU Bars ^U
MM04:Chan/stereo ^C
MM06:CD Mode ^D
MM07:Edit CD list
MM08:Samples... ^A
# Iconbar menu
BM02:View help
BM03:Options... ^O
BM04:Save playlist F3
# Misc menu
IM01:File info ^F1
IM02:Play/pause ^P
IM03:Stop ^S
IM04:Repeat ^R
IM05:Shuffle ^H
IM06:Intro scan ^I
IM07:Speaker ^E
IM08:Super VGA ^V
IM09:Goto F5
#Goto menu
#Track menu
# Tune types (For main window)
TY255:CD Audio
# Misc small bits
DNT:--- DON'T KNOW ---
UNT:-- Untitled --
# Help text follow.
barmenu0:This option leads to a standard info box, giving standard info!
barmenu1:This options provides you with the answer to life, the universe and everything...|mOr more importantly, the Risc Tracker help!!!!
barmenu2/mainmenu3:\Sopen the options window.
barmenu3a/mainmenu6a:\Ropen the playlist save box.
barmenu3b/mainmenu6b/mainmenu4b/miscmenu8b:\Gthere isn't a program in memory.
barmenu4:\Squit the program. (Why?)
barmenu-1:The menu for Risc Tracker (Ooooooohhhh)
mainmenu0:\Ropen the misc options menu.
mainmenu1:\Sto toggle CD mode on and off.
mainmenu2:\Sload the !VU application. This provides a visual display of the current volume of the first four channels, ie a VU meter or 'Dancing lights'.|mIt does not work correctly on new 16bit hardware, but it still looks nice.
mainmenu4a:\Sopen a window containg a numbered list of the tracks in the program or on the CD.
mainmenu5:\Ropen the channel and stereo control window.|mThis allows you to set the state and position withing the stereo image of each channel.
mainmenu7:\Sto load the CD list into an editor for editing.
miscmenu0:\Ropen the file info box.|mThis window gives extended information on the stong playing.
miscmenu8a:\Ropen the goto menu.|mEnter a track in the writable icon to goto that track.
mainmenu-1:This is the main menu for Risc Tracker.
infowindow0:... or the purpose of this program, the icon says it all really...
infowindow1:\Tname of the program, ie Risc Tracker (Ta dah!)|mWhat do you think to the font|mAnswers on the back of a fiver to the address in the !Help file|m(You never know, someone might be daft enough!)
infowindow2:This is my name, because I wrote the program.|mtherefore I am the author,|mso that is why my name is in this box, see?
infowindow3:\Tversion of the program you are using.
infowindow5:\Rhave the pointer over the name of the program
infowindow4:\Rfind out the answer to life the universe and everything...
infowindow6:\Rgasp at another **VERY** sad, unfunny help message
infowindow7:\Rget some exercise!
infowindow8:This is a button with the word 'Help' on it.|m\Ssee it slab in to a darker grey, then......|mslab out again!!!!!!!!
infowindow10/infowindow11/infowindow12/infowindow13/infowindow15/infowindow16/infowindow17:These are the icons for the types of tune I can play, they are, from left to right:|mTracker, Digital Symphony, Tracker (Again), Coconizer, MatrixTRK, Scream
Trackers, and finally Audio CDs.
infowindow14:The box to the right shows what tunes I can play.
infowindow-1:\TRisc Tracker program information \w....
main0/main3/main4/main5/main7/main8/main2/main1/main6/main9/main10/main11:\Tinformation section. It gives information on the current tune playing and how many tracks are held in memory.
main12:\Tstop icon, if it is red then there is no tune playing.
main13:\Tcd mode icon, if it is green the you are in CD mode.
main14:\Tpause icon, if it is red then the current track is paused. Click \s on the play icon to resume it.
main15:\Tplay icon, if it is green then there is a tune playing.
main16:\Trepeat icon, if it is green then repeat is enabled. If there is a red 1 in the centre then one track repeat is enabled.
main21:\Tshuffle icon, if it is green then the tracks will be played in a random order.
main22:\Tprogram icon, if it is green there is a program in memory.
main23:\Ttrack selection icon, it shows the number of the track being selected.
main47:\Tname of the currently playing track.
main49:\Tauthor of the current track, or if in CD mode it shows the CD name.
main36/miscmenu3:\Scycle between 'Repeat', 'Repeat all' and 'No repeat'
main35/miscmenu4:\Stoggle shuffle on and off.
main17/tools0:\Trewind button, during playback \Smove backwards through the track.|mWhen not playing \Sdecrease the current track number.
main18/miscmenu1:\Tplay/pause button. During playback \Spause/unpause the current track.|mWhen stopped \Splay the current track from the program.|m\Ato play the next track.
main20/tools4:\Tfast forward button, during playback \Smove forwards through the track.|mWhen not playing \Sincrease the current track number.
main37/miscmenu5:\Stoggle the intro scan feature on and off.
main38/miscmenu6:\Stoggle the speaker on and off. If the 'Fast response' option is selected from the options window this icon reflects the current state of the speaker.
main39/miscmenu7:If you have a VIDC enhancer or are in SVGA mode 31 select this icon, this ensures tracker tunes are played back at the correct speed.
main24/main25/main26/main27/main28/main29/main30/main31/main32/main33/main34:These are the track selection buttons, see the !Help or the !StrongHelp file for more info. (Click on the help icon in the info window!)
main41:\Sincrease the playing volume.
main42:\Sdecrease the playing volume.
main45:\Sdrag the volume to the desired level.
main60:This is the current volume level as a percentage.
main50:\Sto display a menu of the available tracks.
main-1/main??:\Tmain Risc Tracker control and information window.
opt9:\Sdisplay the options to control various Risc Tracker windows.
opt8:\Sdisplay the CD options,
opt7:\Sdisplay the speaker options.
opt6:\Sdisplay the general options.
opt5:\Sdisplay the startup options.|mThese options only take effect when the program starts.|mTherefore if you do change any don't forget to save them!
opt4:This is a picture of the Risc Tracker icon!! If you can design a better one then do so and sent it to me!|mThis icon was designed by Jon Mennell way back in '93!
opt3:\Storegister and save the current options and close the window.|mIf you click with \a then the window stays open.
opt2:\Sdisregard any changed made to the options since the window was opened and close the window.
opt1:\Sregister the options as current. (Note, some options only take effect on startup.)|mIf you click with \a then the window stays open.
opt0:\Tdropped in bit that the pane rests in, gives it that nice lowered effect.
opt-1:\TRisc Tracker options window. It allows you to set up the program to your liking. Move that pointer over the options to find out what they do!
opt1-1:These are the startup options, they control how various features are set when the program loads.
opt10:If this option is selected and there is a playlist called 'Program' in the !RTracker directory on startup it will be loaded.|mWhen the program starts up the save box path points to this file.
opt11:If a program is loaded on startup the program will start playing it if this option is selected.
opt12:If this is selected the 'Shuffle' mode will be active when the program loads.
opt13:If this is selected the 'Repeat all' mode will be active when the program loads.
opt14:If this is selected then the 'Super VGA' option will be turned on at startup.|mThis allows tracker files to play back at the correct speed in super VGA modes on older machines, eg mode 31.
opt16:If this is selected the program will start in CD mode.
opt3-1:\Tspeaker control section, it controls the state of the speaker on startup.
opt31:Select this icon to turn on the speaker on startup.|mThe current state of the speaker can be set from the main window.
opt32:Select this icon to turn off the speaker on startup.|mThe current state of the speaker can be set from the main window.
opt33:Select this icon to disregard the state of the speaker on startup.|mThe current state of the speaker can be set from the main window.
opt36/opt37/opt38:This writable icon allows you to set the default volume on startup, this is a percentage so to have the volume at half enter 50.
opt2-1:\Tgeneral options section. These options take effect immediatly
opt20:This option allows a dynamic area to be used instead of RMA. This helps prevent memory loss due to fragmentation. It works on all machines.
opt21:If this option is selected a small tools window is opened when the main window is closed. This allows control over Risc Tracker.
opt22:If this option is selected then you can get help via Guttorm Vik's 'Strong Help' application by pressing F1 while the pointer is over an icon, this doesn't work for all icons.
opt40:If this option is selected then clicking with ADJUST on the CD icon on the iconbar will bring up a small control window.
opt41:When this is selected the patch on the CD icon is not removed, so you can still use quick CD control after the program has quit.
opt42:Select this to ensure that CDs are not stopped on exit. Music files are stopped, but personally I like to leave CDs going.
opt43/opt44:Enabling this will cause an amount at the start of Track 1 to be skipped, because some CD Roms try to play the hidden data at the start of track 1. Getting the correct value is a bit of guesswork.
opt45:Click and see...
opt4-1:These options control the audio CD aspect of the program.
opt50:IF this is selected then the main control window will be opened on startup.
opt51:When selected the toobar is minimised on startup.
opt52:If this option is selected then you must have the mouse pointer inside either the main window or the toolbox window for any of the key shortcuts to work.
opt53:If this is on then holding down ADJUST-MENU will pop up a small window around the pointer that allows player functions to be controlled.
opt5-1:These options control various window related options.
save1:Drag this icon to a directory viewer or another application to save the playlist.
save2:Type the filename and drag the icon to a directory display, or type the full path and press <Return>|mNB: The file '|<RTrack$Dir>.Program' is the default loaded on startup. (If the option is selected.)
save3:Click here to save the file to the path specified in the writable icon.
save4:Click here to save the current program as default.
save-1/save?:This is the playlist save window.
tracks?:Double click to load this track. If you are in Program mode double click to add it to the program.
tracks-1:This is the list of tracks currently in memory.
tlist0:Type a partial name in here to search for a track, when the track you want is displayed in the window press RETURN or click on the 'Play' icon below.
tlist1:\Stoggle the programing feature on and off. When on a writable icon is visible at the bottom of the window.
tlist2:\Sview the directory containing the currently selected track.
tlist3:\Splay the currently selected track.
tlist4:Type in a list of tracks seperated by commas and press RETURN to create a program.
tlist5:\Sbuild the program of the tracks listed above
tlist6:\Scancel the programing feature and clear the icon.
tlist7:This button does nothing, yet!|MIt will allow you to sort the list of tracks into alphabetical order.
tlist?/tlist-1:This is the Risc Tracker list of available tracks.
tools2:\Tplay button, it slabs in when a tune is playing.|m\Splay the current track if no track is playing.|m\Askip to the next track.
tools3:\Tpause buttom, it slabs in when a tune is paused.|m\Stoggle the current paused state.
tools5:\Ttoggle size button, \Stoggle the bar between maximised and minimised.
tools?/tools-1:\TRisc Tracker toolbar, you can drag the window about by clicking on the black border or the grey bit at the end.
chan2/chan3/chan4/chan5/chan6/chan7/chan8/chan9:If this icon is slabbed in then this channel is active.|mIf it is not slabbed in then this channel is inactive.
chan10:\Sturn all the channels on.
chan11:\Sturn all the channels off.
chan21/chan22/chan23/chan24/chan25/chan26/chan27/chan28:\Salter the stereo position for this channel.|mThe current position will appear below, use the left and right arrows to change it.
chan13:\Sset the current channel to the full left position.
chan14:\Sset the current channel to the centre position.
chan15:\Sset the current channel to the full right position.
chan17:\Smove the current channel to the right by one position.
chan18:\Smove the current channel to the left by one position.
chan20:This is the current setereo position for the current channel, the lower the number the further right the sound is.
chan29:\Sload the currently stored channel positions for all eight channels.
chan30:\Sstore the current positions for all eight channels. To save these settings save the options.|mThe saved settings are loaded whenever the program starts.
chan31:\Sto restore the default stereo positions for all eight channels.
chan?/chan??/chan-1:This is the channels and stereo control window.